Kampala (Agenzia Fides) - Italian associations aware of the suffering of the people in Uganda have written an open letter calling on president Yoweri Museveni and his government to intensify efforts for peace after 20 years of civil war in the north of Uganda and over 100,000 people killed, 30,000 minors abducted and 1.5 million displaced persons in refugee camps.
With this appeal the funding organisations say peace must be achieved to guarantee the repatriation of refugees in need of everything to resume normal life. The appeal is indirectly addressed to other international organisations and world public opinion not to abandon these people in their hardship.
Here is the letter:
“The Honourable President Museveni,
we are writing to you on behalf of a group of Italian Associations which deeply care for Uganda and its people. For years we have followed the unfolding of events within the conflict in North Uganda with apprehension.
There are those among us who have been to these territories and have seen at first hand the gravity of the situation. They can bear witness to the tragedy of a war which has afflicted the population of the northern regions for nearly twenty years, in particular its children, and forced them to abandon their villages in favour of refugee camps where they lead miserable lives and die devoid of dignity.
We value and appreciate your declaration, published to representatives of both the European Union and the United States of America on 6th March, in which you committed yourself to ensure the closure of the refugee camps and the safe return of refugees to their home villages.
This was the sign that we had all been awaiting from you!
We, Italian peace workers, are also confident that your government (now at the beginning of your new mandate as President) will take concrete action to bring about peace in the North and re-establish fundamental human rights.
Accordingly, we deem it necessary that the conditions allowing for a return home by the local population be guaranteed. We see these as: the safety of the civilian population; the reconstruction of villages, schools and public health structures; and the provision of adequate food supplies along with seeds with which to re-establish local agriculture.
We also deem it a priority that your Government open negotiations with the few remaining rebel forces of the Lord’s Resistance Army still in the area so as to reach a sure and lasting peace agreement.
We would like to assure you all of our support towards the development of Uganda and, in a spirit of justice and peace, we wish you and your government success in your efforts on behalf of Uganda and its people. Yours sincerely”. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 19/6/2006 righe 39 parole 448)