OCEANIA/ SOLOMON ISLANDS - Holy Name of Mary Seminary in Honiara offers human and spiritual formation to young seminarians of three dioceses

Thursday, 26 January 2006

Honiara (Fides Service) - Holy Name of Mary Seminary in Honiara is a point of reference for human and spiritual formation. It offers the initial integrated three-year philosophy-theology course, Spiritual Year and the year of pastoral Experience. Three dioceses of Solomon Islands, Honiara, Auki and Gizo, send their seminarians here for their formation. Seminarians then go to Holy Spirit Seminary in Bomana, PNG for the last years of theological studies before ordination to the Diaconate and eventually to the priesthood.
In an article in the quarterly magazine of the Catholic Church Solomons Voice Katolika the rector of the Seminary Fr. Frank Vargas, says seminarians are helped develop natural virtues, have health relationships with other people of both sexes, to be healthy through a good diet and balanced physical fitness programme. They work in the gardens and are given the opportunity to develop their talents in music, marking rosaries and carpentry.
Besides intellectual formation with the study of philosophy and theology the students also includes study of the English language to enable them to express clearly and logically what they are thinking. Psychology and human development aim to make the seminarians understand themselves as human persons.
Since the seminarians are being formed to act ‘in persona Christi’, the rector explains: “ they are formed to have the mind of Christ, to maintain this way of thinking, acting and relating with other people. They are taught to pray with the Church the morning and evening praise, to meditate, to pray some devotional prayers, such as a daily rosary. Spiritual reading spiritual direction, monthly confession, weekly spiritual conference and monthly recollections and the annual retreat are means to help the seminarians develop their spirituality. Definitely the Eucharist, which is celebrated every day, is the centre of the Seminarians’ spiritual formation”. Another important dimension is pastoral formation and pastoral experience in parishes and Basic Ecclesial Communities and Church movements and associations. (Agenzia Fides 26/01/2006 Righe: 23 Parole: 226)
