EUROPE - MISSION AND EMIGRATION - “The suitcase tied with string” this evening on Raiuno: “we are “Rommi” we are rich, I have three children. Some days I try to go to work in the green houses, I get 25 euro a day”

Monday, 6 July 2009

Naples (Agenzia Fides) – – Travelling through the largest Rom communities in Europe and not only Europe, we continue our journey among people we call gypsies, a people who have migrated for almost a thousand years, making its history a story of mobility but also a story of violent chauvinism, of rejection of any law except their own gypsy traditions, to the detriment of the future generations and those who take advantage and exploit them in the countryside of the Campania region of Italy. Marian Bairam, a Rom, lives in an abandoned farmhouse. She tells us: “I am 23 and I have not been anywhere much. But my brother and my father have When I was 15 and 16 I went around with caravans pulled by horses. We are “Rommi” we are rich, I have three children. Some days I try to go to work in the green houses, I get 25, 30 euro a day. The children go to school they need shoes, other things … I have a two month old baby, we need some bananas, some things we can afford but some not, we have to work always … (!” (Luca De Mata) (television programme trailer “La valigia con lo spago”: a series of 4 programmes: an investigation into migratory flows and new slavery in the world: Rai Uno beginning 29 June, 2nd evening feature). (Agenzia Fides 24/6/2009; righe 14, parole 223). (Agenzia Fides 6/7/2009; righe 21, parole 344)
