VATICAN - Benedict XVI tells second group of Argentinean Bishops: “The evangelizer should be a faithful son of the Church, moreover, someone who is filled with a love for mankind that drives them to offer others the great hope that we bear in our souls.”

Friday, 3 April 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – “We should always keep in mind that the primary form of evangelization is the testimony of one’s own life. Holiness of life is a precious gift that you can offer your communities on the path towards true renewal in the Church. Modern man feels the urgent need for a clear and attractive testimony of an exemplary and coherent life. Thus, holiness is always a demand of our time.” This is what the Holy Father Benedict XVI said in addressing the second group of Bishops from Argentina, whom he received in an audience on April 2, on their Ad Limina Apostolorum visit.
In his address, the Pope highlighted that in Argentina, there is “an urgent need to carry out an extensive and profound work of evangelization” that takes into accounts the Christian values that have shaped the history and culture of the country, and can lead its communities and society at large to moral and spiritual rebirth. “You are also inspired by the strong missionary spirit that the 5th General Conference of the Bishops of Latin America and the Caribbean has sought to cultivate in all the Church in Latin America.”
Quoting the Apostolic Exhortation “Evangelii nuntiandi” by Pope Paul VI, the Holy Father recalled that evangelizing “does not only consist in transmitting or teaching a doctrine, but in preaching Christ, the mystery of His Person and His Love... Taking into account, moreover, that ‘the truth cannot impose itself except by virtue of its own truth,’ and that knowledge obtained by others or transmitted by the culture itself offer man truths that he would not be able to obtain on his own, we maintain that ‘announcement and witness of the Gospel are the primary service Christians can give to individuals and the entire human race.’”
Benedict XVI then mentioned that “All evangelising activity springs from a threefold love: for the Word of God, for the Church and for the world. ... Through Sacred Scripture Christ makes Himself known to us in His person, His life and His doctrine". Hence, prelates must "facilitate the access of all faithful to Sacred Scripture so that, placing the Word of God at the centre of their lives, they may welcome Christ as Redeemer and His light may illuminate all areas of human existence. Given that the Word of God cannot be understood when it is separated or marginalized from the Church, a spirit of communion and fidelity to the Magisterium should be cultivated, especially in those with the mission of transmitting the fullness of the Gospel message. The evangelizer should be a faithful son of the Church, moreover, someone who is filled with a love for mankind that drives them to offer others the great hope that we bear in our souls.”
Later, reflecting once more on the fact that “holiness is always a demand of our time,” the Pontiff exhorted the Bishops to “place particular attention on the priests,” as “the challenges of our time require, more than ever, virtuous priests, filled with a spirit of prayer and sacrifice, with a solid formation, and dedicated to serving Christ and the Church through acts of charity. The priest has a heavy responsibility to ensure that his conduct appears irreproachable in the eyes of the faithful, closely following Christ and will the help and encouragement of the faithful, especially with their prayer, understanding, and spiritual affection.”
The Pope also encouraged the Bishops “to ensure that lay people become increasingly aware of their vocation as living members of the Church and true disciples and missionaries of Christ in all things. How many benefits may we hope to see, also for civil society, by the resurgence of mature lay people who seek sanctity in their everyday lives, in full communion with their pastors and firm in their apostolic vocation to be evangelical ferment in the world!” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 3/4/2009)
