VATICAN - Benedict XVI tells the Foundation “Centesimus Annus-Pro Pontifice”: “The focus of all economic planning...should always be the person, created in the image of God and willed by Him for the care and administration of the immense resources of creation.”

Monday, 2 June 2008

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – “Harmonious development is possible, if the economic and political decisions placed in effect take into account the fundamental principals that make them accessible by all people. I am mainly referring to the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity. The focus of all economic planning, especially considering the vast and complex challenge of relations that characterizes the post-modern era, there should always be the person, created in the image of God and willed by Him for the care and administration of the immense resources of creation. Only a shared culture of responsible and active participation will enable human beings to consider themselves nor just as users or passive witnesses, but active participants in world development.” These were the words of the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the members of the Foundation Centesimus Annus-Pro Pontifice, received in an audience on May 31.
After expressing his acknowledgement of the Foundation’s service to the Church, “offering a generous contribution to the many initiatives of the Holy See, at the service of the poor in so many parts of the world,” the Pope recalled the theme of their meeting this year: “Social Capital and Human Development” and pointed out that, “with the spirit of a faithful administrator, man should use the God-given resources entrusted to him by placing them at the disposition of all people. In other words, it is necessary to prevent profit becoming purely individual, and to guard against forms of collectivism that oppress personal freedom. Economic and commercial interests must never become exclusive, because this would be an effective affront to human dignity.”
Making reference to the current process of globalization in the world, Benedict XVI mentioned that “the great challenge of today is to 'globalize', not just economic and commercial interests, but also the call for solidarity, while respecting and taking advantage of the contribution of all components of society...economic growth should never be separated from the objective of an integral human and social development. With that in mind, in her social doctrine the Church emphasizes the importance of the contribution of the intermediary bodies, according to the principle of subsidiarity, in order to freely contribute to the orientation of cultural and social changes and to the authentic progress of man and of the whole of creation.”
At the end of his address, the Holy Father encouraged members of the Foundation to offer the contribution of their reflection, “on the creation of a just world economic order" and to continue their work at the service of humanity. He then concluded saying, “On the last day, on the Day of Judgement, we will be asked whether we used what God placed at out disposal to meet legitimate requirements, to help our fellow man, especially the smallest and those most in need. May the Virgin Mary, who today we contemplate in her visit to her elderly cousin Elizabeth, make each of you always considerate of others in need.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 2/6/2008)
