EUROPE/ITALY - First anniversary of the canonisation of Saint Filippo Smaldone, Apostle of the deaf: new missionary challenges for the Salesian Sisters of the Sacred Hearts

Friday, 12 October 2007

Roma (Agenzia Fides) - On Wednesday 17 October a delegation of the Salesian Sisters of the Sacred Hearts founded by Saint Filippo Smaldone (1848-1923), accompanied by the mother general, Sr Maria Longo and Archbishop Cosmo Francesco Ruppi of the diocese of Lecce, will attend the weekly audience of Pope Benedict XVI on the occasion of the first anniversary of the canonisation of Saint Filippo Smaldone, 15 October 2006.
To celebrate the anniversary the Salesians of the Sacred Heart have organised a dense programme of initiatives beginning with a concert "Insieme nella lode" by the "Lauretianum" choir of Lizzanello in Lecce on October 12, at the shrine of Saint Filippo Smaldone. On 13 October at 5.30 at the Politeama-Greco Theatre, the spectacle "Insieme in festa" performed by pupils of Smaldonian schools. On 14 October, 6pm a solemn concelebration of the Eucharist presided by Archbishop Cosmo Francesco Ruppi. On 15 October at 6pm at the Smaldone auditorium the presentation of a book "La pedagogia e gli educatori di Filippo Smaldone" by Cavallera and Crispiani. In Rome on 17 October an appointment for the whole smaldoniana family for the meeting with the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI.
"This first year after the canonisation of Filippo Smaldone - says Press Officer Sr Ines De Giorgi - has been a year of grace and it has re-launched and reinvigorated smaldoniano charisma opening it to new missionary challenges from Benin to India". Founded by Filippo Smaldone for assistance, education and evangelisation of the deaf and dumb, the Salesian Sisters of the Sacred Hearts have forty communities with a total of 400 Sisters in Italia, Brazil, Moldavia, Paraguay and Rwanda. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 12/10/2007, righe 26, parole 385)
