Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - “Prayer is not passive or impotent! Prayer helps us find the truth. With the country in disorder we Christians must pray and pray above all that the president will repent”: this was part of a letter written by Archbishop Joseph Cheng of Tai Pei, for September 8th feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in which he underlines the necessity of ethical behaviour, of prayer and intimation of Christ in social and political life in this time of crisis in Tai Wan. The archdiocesan bulletin Christian Life Weekly, said Archbishop Chen says the people would not call on the president to resign for no reason. His behaviour and words obviously betrayed the promises made to the people”.
What Christians can do “is to pray for the conversion of our leader. That the Lord may help him see where he was mistaken, admit his weakness and errors made in his name…. We pray for our Island that God will bless this land where the faith is not known everywhere. We pray the people may discern with conscience and wisdom and courage and overcome the crisis and restore peace as soon as possible”. The Catholic Archbishop of Tai Pei encouraged the people and political leaders to meditate on the figure of Christ, an excellent example for all”. Last of all Bishop Joseph Cheng urged the faithful to entrust their prayers to the hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary on the occasion of the feast of her Nativity, “that through her intercession we may receive blessings and hope”. (Agenzia Fides 08/09/2006 Righe: 38 Parole: 452)