Dili (Agenzia Fides) - If more young men ask to serve the Lord and consecrate their lives to service of the Church and the people in East Timor, there is still hope for the youngest democracy in Asia, despite conditions of political and social instability. The occasion of the solemn profession of new Salesians di Camilo Boavida and Venancio Fatima Freitas was in fact a festive event for the whole community in Baucau. People put aside their daily worries and anxieties to share in the joy of the two young men called by God to follow in the footsteps of Saint John Bosco.
On 25 July - the Salesian bulletin ANS reports - at the shrine of Our Lady Help of Christians at Fatumaca, Baucau, Rev. Andres Calleja local Salesian superior received the vows of Camilo and Venancio and welcomed 10 new novices who will now start their formation.
In East Timor the Salesians work hard to alleviate the suffering of 150,000 displaced persons too afraid to return to their villages still sheltering at the Salesian House at Comoro. The people say they fear bandits on the road. They also say they have no homes to return to.
To overcome the problem the United Nations is working with local authorities, NGOs and religious communities on a plan to move the refugees to temporary camps around Dili. UN observers say that as far as poverty and malnutrition are concerned East Timor is in the same situation as the poorest countries in Africa. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 26/7/2006 righe 28 parole 285)