Florida (Agenzia Fides) - As part of preparation for the 5th General CELAM Conference in May 2007 at Aparecida (Brazil), the Laity Commission DELAI of the Bishops of Uruguay has organised the 31st National Meeting for Lay Catholics 17 and 18 June at Good Shepherd Retreat House in Florida, Uruguay, on the theme "That our People may have Life in Him". In the invitation DELAI president Bishop Rodolfo Wirz, says the meeting will be an opportunity for lay representatives of dioceses, associations and movements to give voice to the different communities and contribute to the contribution what the Bishops of Uruguay will take to the CELAM 5.
“Since the beginning of the year we have been preparing for the 31 National Meeting for the Laity - say DELAI members - . Last year’s celebration of the feast of the baptised calls us to continue to build this space and make it known to others. This year we are all guided by the path to CELAM 5. For this reason we wished to celebrate this meeting earlier. The meeting will help us build our contribution, through our delegates”. The slogan of the meeting last year was “At the heart of the world we build History”: now the Lord calls us to build this construction in His name. The sense of this construction is life, and life in abundance. That life which comes from being united with the vine. This explains this year’s slogan “That our People may have Life in Him”. During the meeting two conferences will guide the work on the theme “Our missionary calling today” and “Disciples of Jesus”, besides a looking back on the 4 previous CELAM conferences: Río (1955), Medellín (1968), Puebla (1979), Santo Domingo (1992). (RG) (Agenzia Fides 12/6/2006; righe 22, parole 312)