EUROPE/SPAIN-16 volunteers are about to leave for Haiti and Peru from the diocese of Merida-Badajoz

Monday, 13 June 2011

Merida-Badajoz (Agenzia Fides) - In the next few days a group of volunteers of the diocese of Merida Badajoz (Spain) will leave for a mission in America. There are 14 volunteers who will be destined to Haiti, led by Sister Pilar, a Carmelite nun. We are prepared to engage in the areas of cooperation and assistance, still needed in this country, especially for children and the elderly. Some of them will stay for six months, others for two, others only for the period of their holiday, that is to say a month, but all are very motivated by their faith in Christ and a willingness to engage in the service of others.
Peru is also another place for their mission, where a nun, Sister Coro will be sent. Like every summer, for more than ten years, someone is sent to Peru to spend their holiday period working in Casa Santa Ana, Leymebamba, region of Amazonas, northern Peruvian jungle. In this house, communities of boys and girls live together, who have had to leave school for lack of financial support: here they find a home and a great family that helps them to continue their studies and prepare for a better future.
The departure of these volunteers was solemnized by a Mass with the sending of Missionaries, celebrated on May 28, which was attended by the entire Catholic community and the local diocesan leaders of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS). They were all given the missionary's cross: the cross of Christ that strengthens those who are dedicated to proclaim the Good News of salvation and liberation, which is aimed at children, the most disadvantaged. This Mass was celebrated after the meeting of the Coordination Group for the training of missionary Animators, who set the timetable for future activities. This day also saw the participation of the Episcopal Delegate for catechesis, Father Francisco Romero, who proposed to coordinate the work of catechesis with the PMS, in particular with the Holy Childhood, as a possibility to work together. (EC) (Agenzia Fides 06/13/2011)
