Lilongwe (Fides Service)- There is widespread disappointment in Malawi after an Opposition leader Gwanda Chakuamba, announced he had joined the party in power United Democratic Front UDF. Chakuamba came third in presidential elections held on May 20 (see Fides 22 and 25 May 2004).
The election was won by Bingu wa Mutharika, UDF candidate who had been indicated by outgoing President Bakili Muluzi. “Although he came third Chakuamba was held in esteem by the people” say local Fides sources. “His “betrayal” caused a stir in the country also because it silences a voice calling for the elections to be repeated”. The Opposition in the country and international observers say in fact that the presidential elections were a fraud and they were preceded by an electoral campaign conditioned by the means of information siding with the candidate of the party in power.
“At the political level Chakuamba’s joining the UDF, means that the President now has a chance of obtaining a majority in parliament. In fact the UDF won only a few seats in Parliament. If the MPs in Chakuamba’s party follow him and decide to join the President, the government will obtain the majority it lacked hitherto” say Fides local sources. “People are now wondering if Chakuamba’s move was planned even before the election. Whatever the case, the people of Malawi feel their vote has been betrayed”. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 8/6/2004, righe 24 parole 257)