AMERICA/CHILE - “Gratitude and hope” expressed by Cardinal Javier Errazuriz Ossa, Archbishop of Santiago, on the anniversary of Chile's independence

Monday, 21 September 2009

Santiago de Chile (Agenzia Fides) - “This is a special time for praising and thanking the Lord for the many gifts we have received over the course of our republic's history, and even prior to the birth of our independent nation.” These were the words of Cardinal Javier Errazuriz Ossa, Archbishop of Santiago, during a Mass commemorating the 199th anniversary of Chile's independence (September 18, 1810), in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Saint James. “We are often distracted and we do not appreciate the gifts we have received; we do not live our day with gratitude and joy,” Cardinal Errazuriz said, adding tat “there is a growing number of citizens filled with bitterness, indifference, or sadness, as well as pessimism and a lack of hope.” And thus, the importance of the September 18 celebration, “which invites us to take advantage of these days of celebration and with out heart prolong the joy of our thanksgiving.”
The Cardinal then highlighted that every celebration of September 18 “invites us to remember what we have,” above all directing ourselves “to God, Creator and Father, fount and origin of every good.” According to the Archbishop of Santiago de Chile, the first gict that we should be thankful for is life, then the family, the care of our parents, the values that give meaning to our existence, our country and its history. Highly significant has been the way in which the country has handled the economic crisis, which has been “less serious in comparison to the majority of other countries. We are grateful for the unity we have experienced in facing it,” the Cardinal added. He also made reference to the General Law on Education, the transparency of the judicial power, the increase of child's care centers free of charge, and attention to the victims of domestic violence.
In looking forward to the upcoming electoral campaign, Cardinal Errazuriz added: “We hope for a calm political environment, in which the candidates present their plans with sincerity, honesty, and realism, without defaming their opponents,” as “awaking the passions and offenses is not a sign of personal nobility nor does it inspire trust in people that we would like to consider capable of making a serene choice in light of the merits and real plans that the various candidates will present voters.” Concluding his homily, the Archbishop of Santiago proposed a gift for the upcoming Bicentennial Anniversary of the country: “May Chile become even more of a place for all people, so that we can all live in gratitude to God and our brothers, with joy and hope, justice and peace.” (GT) (Agenzia Fides 21/9/2009)
