AMERICA/VENEZUELA - Bishops reject Constitutional amendment calling for unlimited reelection for public authorities and warn of some of the country's problems, at the close of their Plenary Assembly

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Caracas (Agenzia Fides) – The Bishops of Venezuela have published an Exhortation at the close of their Plenary Assembly, held January 7-13 (see Fides 9/1/2008) in which they analyze their country's situation at present and the practical commitment of the Christian, from a faith perspective.
First of all, they show their concern for the present situation, marked by “the international financial crisis, giant social problems, and a climate of internal tensions, filled with questions and uncertainty...and a widespread ethical crisis present in every area of society.” There is also an “increased loss of respect for life” causing a serious increase personal insecurity. “Venezuela is now one of the most violent countries in the world and this violence is caused, among other things, by drug trafficking and consummation, murders, the inhumane act of kidnapping and the rapid growth in the number of hired hit-men.” Another serious problem which has been denounced by the Bishops is that of corruption in public administration, which has increased to alarming levels in the last few years, mainly due to “considerable income from fuel sales, the lack of institutional controls, lack of formation among the people in social control, but above all, for the lack of ethical awareness among leaders and business owners.” There is also a great deterioration being seen in society, in terms of “intolerance, exclusion, disqualification, and the insult, which have become patterns of daily conduct.”
The Bishops also mention the problem of the Constitutional amendment being proposed by the National Assembly upon the request of the President of the Republic, on unlimited reelection for public authorities. The Bishops say that the issue was already addressed by the people in 2007, when they voted against such an amendment. “We are concerned that this attempt to revert a popular decision that has already been made, moreover with a curious haste, may lead to more political and social confrontation, seriously affecting an already weakened nation,” they say. They also consider it illicit to place in debate once more something that has already been decided upon, as “Art. 345 of the Constitution expressly impedes a proposal that has not been approved to be proposed again in the same constitutional period.” And, “Art. 6 of our Constitution establishes that the founding principle of the Government System of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is that it be alternating.” Furthermore, the amendment would not resolve the serious problems afflicting the nation, as it “is geared towards a finality that refers to power and its extension over time and not to meeting the needs of the people.”
The Bishops thus address the responsibility of the Christian to “work his hardest to create a national climate of peaceful coexistence and solidarity.” And in the face of the world crisis, they make an appeal asking every Christian to “take up activities of brotherhood, moderation in the use of material goods, austerity, and solidarity with those most in need.”
In their Message, the Bishops' Conference also recalls the worsening of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, calling upon God to “enlighten the minds of authorities of both countries so that the massacre may end and these peoples may find stable and lasting peace through authentic dialogue.”
The conclude by recalling the Continental Mission that Venezuela will be launching today, January 14, in the city of Barquisimeto, and which will be “an perfect occasion to perceive the strength and transforming dynamism of new life in all the areas of our nation, so as to encourage us in the wonderful task the Lord has entrusted to us: to go out to all people to make them disciples of Jesus and make the Gospel known.” (RG) (Agenzia Fides 14/1/2009)
