Rome (Fides Service) - With each passing day, the tragedy of civilians in northern Uganda assumes ever more serious dimensions. The central government in Kampala would appear to be unable to counter effectively the intensification of incursions and foul deeds committed by the LRA Lord’s Resistance Army which has sown terror and death also in the districts of Katakwi, Soroti and above all Lira for a long time.
In the area of Lira there are more than 400,000 people living in inhuman conditions in camps who fled to escape the LRA attacks. LRA men burn villages, kill men and women and abduct the children aged 7 to 16. The boys are trained to commit all sorts of atrocities and the girls are abused as “wives” and slaves for officers. In 18 years of terror at least 100,000 people have been killed and 20,000 children have been abducted and sent to fight (8, 400 in 2003 alone); more than one million Ugandans have been made homeless.
An Italian non-church movement “Africa Mission - Cooperazione e Sviluppo” AMCS , established in Piacenza in 1972 by Rev. Vittorio Pastori (who died exactly ten years ago) is present in the region despite the risk of attacks by the LRA. In Lira AMCS is involved in the distribution of basic necessities and it has been charged by UN workers in the area with the important task of co-ordinating the distribution of non-food aid in and around Lira. AMCS it was the first group to start distribution outside Lira which is the only zone fully protected by troops from Kampala.
Mauro Randone, aged 25, a degree in Biology and Ecology from Queen Mary University London, has been in Uganda for six months as AMCS Project Leader. He described the situation in a recent report: “After an LRA attack on 21 February on Chuk Adek camp, Lira, northern Uganda, in which more than 250 were killed, there was an emergency meeting of all the NGOs in the field and representatives of the United Nations and the local government. AMCS and COOPI (Cooperazione Internazionale) were among the Italian NGOs present at the meeting. As a result of the meeting AMCS went to Agweng to distribute plastic sheeting to about 360 families who escaped the Chuk Adek massacre. Together with the Red Cross Uganda and World Food Programme, AMCS distributes non-food aid, plastic sheeting, blankets etc., and also food. Because of difficult access to camps, often surrounded by rebels soldiers, few agencies have been able distribute aid outside Lira city. However also in the city there is tension. A recent peace protest degenerated and angry crowds killed a suspect rebel supporter while police shot dead four demonstrators members of the Acholi tribe and burned homes. The police used tanks to disperse the crowds. These incidents reflect increasing tension between Acholi tribesmen natives of Gulu and Langu tribesmen natives of Lira, which could lead to more violence with terrible consequences for northern Uganda ”.
The AMCS project, co-financed by Cooperazione Italiana, will conclude at the end of March 2004, with the distribution of hoes and seed to about 9,000 people. However all through 2004 AMCS will continue its emergency interventions for which it relies on the support of benefactors. These monthly interventions will consist in the distribution of basic necessities and food aid particularly in areas which do not benefit from assistance. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 26/3/2004; Righe 44; Parole 641)