Abidjan (Fides Service)- “It is very sad to see that most of the words about peace are anything but peaceful!”. This was affirmed by the Catholic Bishops of Ivory Coast with regard to the climate of tension in the country. In their statement dated 24 March, they affirm that recent episodes of violence disorder provoked by students, attacks on magistrates and “hard-line positions taken protagonists of peace process ” all helped to build up national tension.
“The demonstration organised for 25 March by the seven Opposition parties which signed the 2003 peace agreement and measures taken by the authorities are sowing fear and anxiety in the hearts of everyone. There is a constant feeling that something terrible is about to happen” the Bishops write. The peace agreement signed in France in 2003 stipulated the formation of an interim government, including representatives of the rebels, with the task of preparing elections defined by the agreement, “credible and transparent”, in 2005, and starting reforms.
“In this atmosphere, faithful to our duty as Bishops, we make an urgent appeal to the President of the Republic, the seven parties which signed the Agreement and to all the leaders and militants of political parties”. They call on the President “the first to be responsible for law and order in the country, to make all the necessary sacrifices to help the country find peace through dialogue and reconciliation”,
The Bishops call on the seven Opposition parties to postpone the demonstration: “While not doubting the value of your initiative we ask you to suspend the demonstration because of the serious risks it presents for public order in the present situation ”.
“The desolate scene we have seen in recent times leads us to think that electoral gains are undermining your desire for reconciliation. Have you perhaps forgotten that without peace there can be no elections?” the Bishops write addressing leaders and militants of all Ivory Coast’s political parties. “Let us be calm and serene. Let us work for peace and do thing to endanger reconciliation. May God save us from evil and pour abundant blessings on our country” the Bishops conclude. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 25/3/2004, righe 34 parole 418)