Nairobi (Fides Service) -“The Institute for Social Ministry makes a significant contribution towards renewing society by motivating spiritually those called to public office with a spirit of service while offering them professional training”. This was how Father Francesco Pierli MCCJ, director of Institute for Social Ministry of Tangaza College (a founding institution of the Catholic University of West Africa in Nairobi Kenya), described the activity of the Institute which is marking the 10th anniversary of its foundation.
The anniversary will be celebrated today 23 February with a Commemorative Congress on the theme: “Present day problems for integral and sustainable development”. The Congress will be opened by Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, who will preside the opening Mass and speak the next day on the activity of the Church in relation with international organisations. While in Kenya, Cardinal Martino will meet with delegates in Nairobi for two United Nations programmes: UN Environment Programme and UN-HABITAT for urban communities, and with members of the Justice and Peace Commission of Kenya and the Kenyan government.
The aim of ISM is to give priests, religious and laity a profound understanding of the Social Teaching of the Catholic Church to enable them to apply it concretely in African society. Tangaza College was opened in 1986 as a centre of formation for future priests. ISM contributes to the teaching offered by Tangaza College with courses to give students an understanding of civil society and the world of today. In these ten years the Institute has helped Tangaza College become a centre of ecumenical studies and interreligious dialogue welcoming students of other Christian Confessions and other religions. “This aim must be pursued because the Institute is at the service of the social role of all religions” Father Pierli said. “There is growing dialogue of life and this dialogue serves to uproot social and cultural evils. It is dialogue among people involved in serving the poor with the vision of faith with regard to the dignity of every human person”.
Father Pierli said “ISM aims to help improve the quality of life. In the spirit of the Gospel message and Christian teaching, ISM, prepares its students for to work with projects and initiatives for human development, social justice and peace, social services”.
ISM offers courses in 4 main fields: management of social change; the Church and social change; forms of government in Africa; solution of conflicts and education to peace. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 23/2/2004, righe 37 parole 445)