VATICAN - “Do not be afraid to preach Christ among your peers”: exhortation of the Holy Father in his video-message to the youth gathered at the International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec

Monday, 23 June 2008

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – “I encourage you to continually meditate on this ‘great mystery of faith,’ as we proclaim it in every Mass, following the consecration.” This was the invitation of the Holy Father Benedict XVI to youth gathered in Quebec, Canada, for the 49th International Eucharistic Congress, in a video-message broadcast during a Prayer Vigil held in the evening, on June 21. “The Eucharist is, par excellence, God’s gesture of love for us,” the Pope said, recalling that “Jesus is the model of total gift of self, the path on which we should also walk, in following Him,” conforming our entire life to Him.
“Christ is who gathers us together in forming the Church, His Body in the world,” Pope Benedict XVI continued, highlighting that “in order to approach the two tables, of the Word and the Bread, we should above all receive God’s forgiveness,” that “restores the divine image present in us and that shows us just how much we are loved.” The Pope continued, saying that in His Son, “God reveals us the Face of the Father, a face of love and hope, and shows us the path of goodness and joy.”
After having listened to the Word of God and been fed by His Body, we must allow ourselves to be transformed within, so as to receive our mission from Him. God “sends you out into the world to be bearers of His peace and witnesses of His message of love,” the Holy Father told the youth. He continued: “Do not be afraid to preach Christ among your peers. Show them that Christ does not place obstacles in your lives or to your freedom. On the contrary, He gives you true life, which makes you free to fight against evil and to make something beautiful of your lives.”
In concluding his video-message, the Holy Father focused on the importance of Sunday Mass, as “a loving encounter with the Lord that we cannot do without.” When you, like the disciples of Emmaus, recognize Him in the ‘breaking of the bread,’ “you become his companions” and “He will help you to grow and to give the best of yourselves.” In the Eucharist, “Christ is really, totally and substantially present,” and has invited the youth to encounter Him at Mass and during silent adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. Lastly, the Holy Father told the youth that perhaps some of them would hear the Lord’s call to follow him in a more radical way in the priesthood or the consecrated life. “Do not be afraid to listen to this call and to respond with joy.” (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 23/6/2008)
