ASIA/KOREA - Education and social justice: two encounters sponsored by the Bishops’ Conference

Friday, 16 May 2008

Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - The Korean Bishops’ Conference is working hard right now, with two main projects in focus. The first, is education, with the preparation of workshops for the Third Catholic Education Week. The second is that of justice and peace, thanks to a Seminar that was recently held in the Cathedral in Seoul.
In celebration of the Third Catholic Education Week, which will begin May19, Auxiliary Bishop Matthias Ri Iong-hoon of Suwon, Director of the Bishops' Commission for Education, has issued a Message entitled: “Jesus Christ, Teacher for the Entire Person.”
In the Message, the Bishop explains that “following Jesus Christ, the Teacher for man in his entirety, the Church wishes to help adolescents to reach an integral growth, as well as offer an authentic educational proposal to be implemented.” The Bishop states that “the Church wishes to collaborate diligently in allowing the youth the cultivate their own abilities and personality, conforming themselves to Jesus Christ.”
Bishop Ri Iong-hoon recommended four specific means. Firstly, adolescents should diligently dedicate themselves to their studies in order to improve their personalities. Secondly, parents should nurture their children’s growth through effective dialogue with them. Thirdly, adolescents should be treated as independent and responsible persons. And lastly, a task for the Church: collaborate in conformity with the spirit of the Korean Catholic Education Letter that was approved in Fall 2006.
For the workshops of the Seminar organized by the Bishops’ Commission on justice and peace, the theme is: “Reality and Morality in the Korean Society, in the Eyes of Peace.” The workshops will especially focus on the Holy Father’s Message for the World Day of Peace 2008: “The Human Family, A Community of Peace.” Bishop Boniface Choi Ki-san of Incheon, the Commission’s President, said that “for the Holy Father, humanity can live in peace only is its members abandon all spirit of individualism and submit themselves to a sense of community.”
Professor Daniel Kim Hyeong-jun, teacher at the University of Myeongji, gave a lecture on the themes of politics, the economy, and morals, and explained that the Korean society would only be able to change through a promotion of the common good and participation in the building of a community of peace. (PR) (Agenzia Fides 16/5/2008 - righe 30; parole 368)
