EUROPE/ITALY - Pilgrimages, “frontier of evangelisation”: Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi holds International Co-ordination Meeting

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

L’Aquila (Agenzia Fides) - Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi ORP is holding an International Co-ordination Meeting at Forte Spagnolo de L’Aquila with about 300 ORP collaborators from Italy and other countries, including Holy Land, Malta, Egypt, Greece and northern Europe. A year on, the theme of the 2006 Meeting “Pilgrimages: new forums” - has become a reality. In fact Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi plans to “stay” in the “forum” of our modern times with its specific essence: pilgrimage. “Pilgrimage, experience of faith of ancient roots, with the passing of time has certainly undergone some changes also in its motivation - says Fr Cesare Atuire, ORP delegate administrator -. From penitential path it has become in the centuries a catechetical path and today is becoming a frontier of evangelisation”. To “stay” in the “forum” is therefore fundamental so as not to lose the opportunity to address our ever changing world with suitable language, firmly attached to our roots, but at the same time in keeping with the times.
Pilgrimage is today less expensive and the flexibility and capillary nature of itineraries proposed are two aspects of ORP guidelines for the coming year, with the common goal to encourage participation in pilgrimages. The present Coordination meeting will discuss strategic and operative issues and the programme for 2008, following the chosen theme “ As they pass through the Valley of the Balsam, they make there a water hole, and a further blessing early rain fills it” (Ps 83,7). (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 13/11/2007; righe 19, parole 261)
