Sunday 21 october 2007 - Dossier Fides
Dossier Fides - 81st WORLD MISSION SUNDAY 2007
"All the Churches for all the world"
Message of his holiness Benedict XVI for the 81st World Mission Sunday 2007
The Pope addresses Superior Council of the Pontifical Mission Societies and participants at Congress of Fidei donum Missionaries
Letter from the Cardinal Secretary of State to the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the encyclical Fidei Donum
Benedict XVI addresses general assembly of the Italian Bishops' Conference CEI
During Benedict XVI's meeting with the clergy of Belluno-Feltre and Treviso, with regard to the 50th anniversary of the Fidei donum encyclical
Letter for the Lisieux Year of Mission Pope Benedict XVI
Encyclical Fidei Donum
World population, Catholics, Persons and Catholics per priest
Ecclesiastical circumscriptions and mission stations
Bishops, Priests and permanent deacons, Men and women religious, Secular institutes, Lay missionaries and catechists
Major seminarians, Minor seminarians
Catholic schools, Catholic charity and healthcare centres
Ecclesiastical circumscriptions dependent on the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples
Subsidies granted by the pontifical mission societies
History, charisma and goals of the four Pontifical mission societies
International congress of 50th anniversary of Pope Pius XII’s Fidei Donum encyclical
Initiatives in the world for the 50 years of “Fidei donum”
Statistics on fidei donum missionaries
Testimonies and interviews with
Fidei donum missionaries
Fidei donum missionaries killed in recent years