AFRICA/ZIMBABWE - Central Bank Chief criticizes government for enforcing 50% cuts on prices of prime necessities

Friday, 13 July 2007

Harare (Agenzia Fides)- The economic and institutional crisis heightens in Zimbabwe where the governor of the Central Bank, Gideon Gono, has harshly criticized the government for refusing to follow his advice on how to avoid “an imminent economic collapse”. Gono reproves the government for not adopting the measures he suggested for controlling prices.
With annual inflation at (4.500% officially but 9.000% for independent analysts) President Mugabe enforced a 50% cut in retail prices (see Fides 4 July 2007). A decision which threw the country's economy into chaos. Many shop keepers refused to cut prices and were arrested. Today, 13 July, the Zimbabwe government announced that for a year it intends to stop the publication of inflation rates. For independent observers this is another sign that the escalating prices are now completely out of control.
Gono said he wanted to ensure protection for foreign investments and property rights but the authorities did not listen. The Governor presented the government with a 59 page report and a series of proposals to find a way out of the economic crisis which has the country in its grip. The proposals included: protection of private property, rationalise of customs rates, stop corruption, subsidies for production, respect investment agreements, reform industry, especially the diamond industry.
Recently the Southern Africa Development Community SADC launched a plan to save the economy of Zimbabwe. However the plan is conditioned to dialogue between President Mugabe to and the opposition (see Fides 10 July 2007).
The serious economic crisis (80% of the labour force is unemployed) which has affected Zimbabwe for some years now has unexpected consequences. In an extensive report on the situation in Zimbabwe the Washington Post said lack of money has enforced a more moderate sexual life: no money for a lover or prostitute. As a results the rate of infection from HIV virus has dropped in recent years. However the diffusion of the disease is still serious, with one in 5 citizens HIV+. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 13/7/2007 righe 30 parole 342)
