VATICAN - Catholic prayers in the languages of the world: German (2) The Christian Roots of the Peoples of Europe

Saturday, 23 June 2007

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - History of Evangelisation.
678: Wilfrid in Friesland;
690: Willibrord of Northumbria lands in Friesland to evangelise the local people;
695: Willibrord is appointed Bishop of Utrecht in Holland;
696: Monastery of Salzburg is founded on the ruins of an ancient Roman city;
719: Boniface is sent by the Pope to evangelise Hessen and Turingia;
721: Boniface evangelises the region of Hessen in Germany;
722: Ordained a bishop in Rome, Boniface is sent to continue to organise the Church in Germany;
724: The first monastery is founded in Germany at Reichenau on an island in Lake Constance;
731: Boniface begins to make Germany Christian;
742: Boniface is present at first Synod in Germany;
744: Boniface found monastery at Fulda, in Hessen;
746: Boniface becomes Archbishop of Mainze;
764: Landrade and his brother Kankor build Lorsch Abbey
769: Christianity spreads to Karinzia;
772: Charlemagne starts 30 years war against Saxony;
777: The Saxons are converted to Christianity by the Franks: Charlemagne sends Saint Sturm, abbot of Fulda and disciple of Boniface, on mission to Saxony. Charlemagne destroys a Saxon pagan place of worship at Irminstul a great tree near the River Weser . The Saxons believed tree held up heaven. The Saxons them attacked and sacked Fritzlar Monastery at Hessen and the Bishop's house at Buraburg. War against the Saxons included evangelisation and the Christian king of the Franks built churches at Heresburg and Siburg;
778: Saxon chief Widukind leads uprising to defeat the and the Franks were defeated at Süntelgebirge (mountains near Weser);
782: Charlemagne orders Saxons who refuse baptism to be beheaded or deported to the kingdom of the Franks;
785: Charlemagne issues a first Saxon law, De partibus Saxoniae, imposing execution for those who kill priests or practice cremation (pagan custom); he imposes compulsory baptism and forces the Saxons to take an oath of loyalty to the King of the Franks;
792-793: There is another Saxon revolt and evangelisation is unsuccessful;
796: Charlemagne Chapel is built at Aachen;
808: Christianity spreads in Germany to the River Elbe;
814-815: Dioceses of Halberstadt and Hildesheim created;
822: Corvey Monastery founded in Saxony. Widukind is baptised at the royal palace at Attigny encouraged by Charlemagne who is anxious to convert many and restore peace. Deportation continues. (to be continued) (J.M.) (Agenzia Fides 23/6/2007 - righe 40, parole 447)
