ASIA/PHILIPPINES - Praying for Peace at “Harmony Centres”: dialogue for peace in the Philippines and in the world

Friday, 1 June 2007

Zamboanga City (Fides Service) - Every Sunday in the poor Pitogo district of Zamboanga, in Mindanao, a group of mothers gather with the children for a special prayer meeting based on a passage of the Holy Scriptures and they pray especially for peace. “It is a good thing to teach children to pray together - one mother explains- so they grow up with the moral and spiritual values of peace. This builds peace in families, in the district and the country”. The initiative develop from the experience of the “Harmony Chain” prayer experience launched by PIME missionary Fr Sebastiano D’Ambra. In 1984 he started the Silsilah Movement to promote life in dialogue with Harmony Villages where Christians and Muslims live and work together in mutual respect and brotherhood.
These small “Harmony Centres” are being opened in various countries of Asia and Europe. A special prayer for Harmony has already been translated in 13 different languages.
The Harmony Chain has a regular bulletin “Bonds of Peace”, produced and distributed by Fr D’ambra. The bulletin keeps members informed of experiences and initiatives of dialogue for peace. The latest issue reflects in the culture of hospitality, a mark of Christianity which developed above all thanks to monks and monasteries.
The bulletin states: “In the hasty and bustle life of today, hospitality is often neglected. It means sacrificing time, money and family intimacy. In the Gospel Jesus says: ‘Who ever welcomes one of these little ones in my name welcomes me (Mk 9,37). With hospitality we can offer understanding, rest, comfort and friendship. It is a mutual giving between host and guest. Hospitality is opening our heart to welcome others, to make room for other especially those who are different and those in need. It is a way to remove the barriers of fear and defence and build brotherhood and peace in the world”. (PA)(Agenzia Fides 1/6/2007 righe 27 parole 271)
