AMERICA/UNITED STATES - “Forming Disciples....Building One Church” is the theme for the 2007 Collection for the Church in Latin America to support pastoral care in 22 countries

Friday, 19 January 2007

Washington (Agenzia Fides) - “Forming Disciples, Building One Church” is the theme of the 2007 Collection for the Church in Latin America taken in most Catholic parishes in the United States during the last weekend of January 27-28.
The theme "Forming Disciples" acknowledges the focus of the upcoming 5th General Conference of the Council of Bishops Conferences of Latin America and the Caribbean to be held in Brazil in May 13-31, during which the Bishops will strive identify ways to lead the Catholics of America become true “Disciples and Missionaries of Jesus Christ that our Peoples may have Life in Him". “Building One Church” continues to call attention to the post synodal exhortation The Church in America signed by Pope John Paul II. In that historic plea delivered in Mexico City in January 1999, the late Holy Father urged all Catholics in the Americas to take responsibility in compassion and solidarity for their brothers and sisters throughout the hemisphere.
The Committee on the Church in Latin Latina of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops uses the collection of funds to support its pastoral grants programme in 22 countries and to support the work of the Department for Social Development and World Peace on behalf of the Church in Latin America. Proceeds are distributed to diocese, parishes, religious congregations, seminaries and other Catholic institutions throughout Latin America and the Caribbean to assist the formation of priests, religious, lay ministers, missionaries, pastoral workers, catechists and youth ministers. Thus, fellow Catholics in Latin America and the Caribbean who are rich in faith but lacking in material resources - are not only able to participate more fully in the life of the Church, but are enabled to share the faith with others as well. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 19/1/2007; righe 22, parole 303)
