Kinshasa (Fides Service) – There is still an atmosphere of calm charged with tension in Bunia, in Ituri region, north-east Congo, disrupted in the past few days by violence which did not spare civilians. “The most serious problem now is to find food for those who remain in the city” a local Missionary of Africa (White Fathers) tells Fides Service. “Most homes and shops have been looted, the people have lost the little they had; in this situation of insecurity supplying the city with food is no easy task” says Fides Service source adding “there are still several hundred people sheltering at the White Fathers’ mission, after some returned to their homes”. Yesterday afternoon, 13 May, there was artillery shooting between Hema and Lendu militia.
Bunia is controlled by militia of the Union Patriotic Congolese UCP led by Thomas Lubanga, which took the city from Lendu warriors a few days ago. Last Sunday, 11 May, in an attack on Nyakasanza parish, 48 people and two priests were killed. The priests involved were parish priest Father Francois Xavier Mateso and Father Aime Ndjabu. The Pope has expressed his grief for the tragedy in a telegramme sent on his behalf by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Vatican Secretary of State to the Bishop of Bunia. The message says that Pope John Paul II “entrusts those killed to the infinite mercy of God of love and peace” and “calls on every individual to strive every day to follow Christ, rejecting violence which is a path with no future and to build a lasting peace founded on justice and respect for persons.”
France has said it is willing to contribute towards restoring stability in Ituri by sending a infantry battalion to support the UN Mission MONUC, charged with monitoring the cease-fire agreement. LM (Fides Service 14/5/2003 EM lines 27 Words: 349)