Chennai (Agenzia Fides) - India is known as one of world’s most advanced countries in information technology, with districts of international excellence such as Bangalore. The Church in India is also employing the new technology. The latest technological tools for “e-vangelisation” are on show at a unique Bible Exhibition opened in the southern Indian city of Chennai in Tamil Nadu by the Bible Society India, BSI.
The recently opened exhibition displays 525 varieties of Bibles in different forms and languages.. “This is the biggest Bible exhibition ever organised in India”, said BSI director W. R. Paulraj. The Bible, the fundamental book of the Christian faith, must be available everywhere in the world and in every language and at a reasonable price, the organisers underline.
New features on show at the exhibition include Talking Bibles and Electronic Bibles for use with a PC. The Talking Bible could be useful for blind people, for catechesis of children, or for people unable to read. The second could be helpful for students who use the PC for studies and research and could also serve to spread the Word of God in the Internet.
The Church in India, aware that an increasing number of young Indian adolescents spends hours at the PC, produced a CD-rom Bible, which offers the possibility to search by key words. The Electronic Bible is divided in chapters and verses and has a hypertext multi-media access critical notes apparatus for consultation. This interactive Bible suggests the possibility of a journey in Sacred Scripture which fascinates the user: “Our aim is to reach the hearts of young people”, said the researchers who produced the project. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 9/10/2006 righe 26 parole 263)