Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - In view of humanitarian intervention in Lebanon after 34 days of war against Israel ended with a cease fire agreement reached on 14 August, Caritas Internationalis sent a team comprising a number of national Caritas representatives to assess needs. The representatives from CAFOD (Caritas England and Wales), Secours Catholique (France), TROCAIRE (Ireland), Catholic Relief Service (USA) and Caritas Austria, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy spoke with volunteers present in Lebanon, local displaced persons and civil authorities. With the help of Caritas Internationalis Caritas Lebanon has already undertaken various humanitarian interventions.
The Caritas team visited Baalbek, Saidon, Marjeyoun, Bent Jbail and a number of villages meeting local people and civil society officials. The group is assessing urgent needs and sites for the work of rebuilding. In fact it emerged that many returning refugees find homes, roads, bridges, aqueducts etc destroyed. And a major task for Caritas Lebanon is to help displaced families return home by repairing or rebuilding homes and schools.
At present Caritas Lebanon is providing food for 4,000 families and instruction for the children. “Our aim is to help people resume normal life as soon as possible”, says George Khoury, Director of Caritas Lebanon, “and also foster solidarity among Christians and Muslims”.
Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 national Catholic aid bodies operating in 200 areas. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 12/9/2006 righe 25 parole 251)