Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Presented in Rome a cultural project on the Emergency Abandonment from which will be born a Permanent and Multi-Disciplinary Observatory which will collect, examine and compare scientific products on the question at the international level. The project foresees three main levels of intervention: increase families awareness of the responsibility to give a home to an orphaned child; study the phenomenon of abandonment of children; application of social policies to protect abandoned children.
The alliance born of the union of the humanitarian association Amici dei Bambini, Pentapolis (a group of individuals and companies committed in social responsibility ) and the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, aims to foster a culture of welcome.
Children are abandoned in developing countries and in industrialised countries. “Although abandoning of children is not dealt with as an emergency it is an emergency”, said the president of d Amici dei Bambini Association Marco Griffini.
A Gfk-Eurisko survey showed that public opinion sees abandonment of minors connected more with third world children rather than children who grow up in orphanages.
Amici dei Bambini says there is a state of abandonment whenever a child is forced to live for a long time in assistance without family contact.
The Institute is not the solution to abandonment, it is a form of abuse since it does not allow the creation of relationships so necessary for the growth of the child helping to create social and even economic problems. Strategies to spread a culture of welcome must be diffused. (AP) (22/6/2006 Agenzia Fides; Righe:28 Parole:293)