Arequipa (Agenzia Fides) - Young people and adults from different parishes in the archdiocese of Arequipa went out into the streets and squares to proclaim the Gospel. Thanks to the availability and encouragement of the seminarians of the two seminaries of the Archdiocese, the faithful organized themselves to meet everyone and announce to each man the "good news that he is loved by God". As the Bishops' Conference of Peru informs, through its Ancep agency, various initiatives have been promoted to bring the Gospel everywhere. In the "Sagrados Corazones" parish, in Cerro Colorado, the faithful toured the jurisdiction amidst songs, praises, meditations and testimonies, capturing the attention of residents and passers-by. At the "Nuestra Señora del Carmen" parish, in Hunter, all the members of the parish community are committed to proclaiming God's love door-to-door. In the evening, they share their experiences in the parish, thanking God for each day they can reach more hearts. The seminarians and members of the parish community of "Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo" parish begin their mission every morning with the recitation of Lauds, followed by a visit door-to-door and to some central points, such as parks and squares. The "San Lorenzo" Parish, in the Alto Selva Alegre district, visited the Javier Heraud area thanks to the mission with the young people of the parish, who carried the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary, singing hymns of praise. The same thing happened in the city of Mollendo, where the popular mission takes place in the company of the children of the First Communion, the young people and adults from the "Immaculate Conception" parish, who go around the city, the promenade and the beaches announcing the Gospel. In the district of Socabaya, the parish "San Fernando Rey" also went on a mission and visited the sector of Balcones, where, at the foot of the cave of the Virgin of Chapi, some families gathered to pray and listen to the Word of God.
Evangelization in homes, streets and public places also took place in the jurisdiction of the "Virgen de la Medalla Milagrosa" parish, in the district of José Luis Bustamante y Rivero, and in the "Santísima Cruz" parish in Acequia Alta (Cayma), together with the Young Pauline Missionaries. The Iluminados por Cristo (CCR) group from the parish of "San Maximiliano Kolbe" in the Northern Cone, moved to the city of Canacota in Caylloma to proclaim the Gospel and also to other jurisdictions. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 28/2/2022)