Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - Mgr. Santiago Olivera, published a letter in La Nación newspaper on Saturday 20 June, when Flag Day and the anniversary of the death of General Manuel Belgrano, an important person because creator of the Argentine flag was celebrated.
In the text of the letter, entitled "Justice and humanity", the military Prelate said: "As a believer, I cannot remain silent when at the moment, and in our beloved Argentina, the rights of many continue to be seriously injured, in particular of those faithful whom the Church has entrusted me".
With an appeal to "regain true credibility in justice, without ideologies, without partisanship, in the hard and difficult work of seeking the truth", Mgr. Olivera expressed his concern for "the absence of humanity". As stated in the letter sent to Fides, "it is inhuman to treat many prisoners who, beyond their personal situations, are old, sick and some have even gone beyond the time of pre-trial detention".
The Bishop concludes: "We urgently need to build real bridges, which will safeguard the restoration of the principles that have protected the human rights of all the inhabitants of the civilized world over the past two centuries. The foundation of a republic, of a true rule of law, should not be hatred". (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 23/6/2020)
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Bishops call for judicial reform: Human dignity and human rights must be the focus