Pelotas (Agenzia Fides) - "We live in a social context of strong changes in the social dynamics that have in particular affected our families and young people. It is possible to note in all these aspects, lights and shadows, but above all we underline that the family continues to be very appreciated as a space of intimacy, affection and reciprocity between the generations". This is what the final statement of the 34th meeting of the border dioceses, held in Pelotas, Brazil, from 20 to 22 May underlines.
Bishops, priests, deacons, religious women and laity of the border dioceses of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, analyzed "the ideological scenarios that have an impact on the family and young people, in order to promote the culture of life of our peoples".
The statement sent to Fides informs that during the meeting "several contradictory scenarios reaffirm the importance that the family continues to have as a fundamental institution in our societies". Furthermore, some work experiences carried out in different countries were shared, in defense of the lives of the most defenseless and vulnerable.
The participants condemn all situations that threaten integral human development and responsible freedom as the basis for life projects. "Particularly negative - they continue - are the tendencies towards individualism, unbridled competitiveness, the culture of consumerism or the relativization of truth and ethics".
Convinced that "love lived in families is a constant force for the life of the Church", the participants at the meeting encourage to promote "spaces and experiences that give a critical look to provisional and ephemeral culture". "A vision that helps to promote the culture of life and the dignity of people in order to strengthen families where equality, affection, responsibility, hospitality, mutual dedication and care for the weakest are lived. A look that allows families to access work, home, health and complete education for their children".
The meeting was attended: for Argentina: Diocese of Concordia, Corrientes, Formosa and Santo Tomé. Brazil: Diocese of Bagé, Chapecó, Pelotas, Santo Ângelo and Uruguaiana. Paraguay: Diocese of Encarnación. Uruguay: Diocese of Melo, Salto and Tacuarembó. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 23/5/2019)