Taipei (Fides Service) - Life is not easy for women immigrants from Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines who marry local Taiwan husbands; they have to learn a new languages, new customs and bring their children up in a way that they can insert themselves in society. Good Shepherd Foundation a local Catholic organisation has taken the problem to heart. According to Christian Life Weekly issued by the Archdiocese of Taipei in collaboration with similar civil bodies the Foundation has launched a course “Mothers and children at school together” . Lessons include Chinese language, local culture and social customs.
Official Taiwan statistics for 2003 say that in one out of every three marriages at Taiwan registry office one of the partners was a foreigner and that 13.4% of the children born in 2003 were born to mixed couples. The local Catholic community saw the need to help these couples and their children by facilitating a social process of integration.
(Agenzia Fides 7/12/2005 Righe: 22 Parole: 223)