Taipei (Fides Service) - Recently Fu Ren Catholic University in Taipei held a ceremony to welcome new students. The ceremony concluded with a blessing by the university chaplain.
According to Christian Life Weekly published by Taipei archdiocese the new students were invited to take part in a Seminar given by the Rector, the vice rector the chaplain and some of the teachers.
During the Seminar students were told about the history and family spirit of the university, the programme of studies, activities and mission. One of the lecturers said “the Seminar is the best way to show students that they are the hope of the university and deserve special attention. This initiative, the only one of its kind, is motivated by the particular approach and style of the Catholic University where the person and the person’s integral development is at the centre of its activity”. Happy and moved the new students received the Blessing of the Chaplain and confirmed their confidence in the University. (Agenzia Fides 06/12/2005 Righe: 18 Parole: 158)