OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - The commitment of Catholics against human trafficking

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - "Forms of human exploitation are in all nations of the earth, and Australia is no exception. They exist because of the greed of society that, in order to have goods and services at low cost, forget and trample the dignity of man": with these words Bishop Vincent Nguyen Van Long, President of the Commission for Social Justice of the Australian Bishops' Conference, presents to Agenzia Fides the commitment of the Catholics against human trafficking and slavery.
A new study presented by the Commission and developed by Christine Carolan and Sister Noelene Simmons titled "Human Trafficking and Slavery: A response from Australian Catholics" analyzes the international and Australian laws dealing with such abuses, supporting the work of the "Australian Catholic Religious Network Against Trafficking in Humans"(ACRATH).
"Many people do not realize that human trafficking is also registered in Australia", explains Christine Carolan. "There are women who are victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation, others victims of traffickers employed in sectors such as agriculture, construction, mining, fishing" she continues. "Maybe clothes and food normally consumed by Australian citizens are produced by forced labor or people who are victims of trafficking. ACRATH network launched a campaign to promote the ethical provision of food and clothing", she says.
Another area of focus is forced marriage: young women are victims of this illegal practice in Australia and this is why there is need "to help those who face this problem", notes Carolan. This is why ACRATH network has developed a series of contacts with high schools and for all groups of young people who want to deepen and explore the issue of human trafficking.
Bishop Van Long praised the tireless work of ACRATH network, engaged in education, research, protection and support of victims of trafficking and exploitation in Australia. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 17/11/2016)
