Bujumbura (Fides Service) – Calm has returned to Bujumbura capital of Burundi after the artillery attack on Tuesday 15 July targeting mainly the district of Gihosha. “There are only sporadic shootings in outlying areas” local Church sources inform Fides Service. “The city is slowly returning to normal, shops and offices are re-opening but it is hard to forget the terrible events in recent days, a whole week of shelling and bombing” Fides sources say. “The rebels of the Rwasa-FNL guerrilla faction which has been attacking the capital (see background Decade of Civil War) are irresponsible because the bomb without any particular target and with no regard for the safety of civilians. In the past week at least 200 were killed, mostly innocent victims”.
United Nations sources say the recent fighting has caused between 7,000 and 15,000 people to abandon their homes. “These people are hungry and thirsty and desperate: they left their homes carrying nothing in great haste for fear of the violence. The children suffer most in the low night time temperatures” Fides sources say. “These people are without assistance and they manage as best they can. The Catholic parishes are the only ones which have organised distribution of some clothing and a little basic food”.
Although the fighting has stopped for the moment, tension is still high and in fact the United States has evacuated its embassy. “People fear new outbreaks of fighting” Fides sources say. “The rebels may come back at any moment while to make things worse armed bands of men continue to sack and loot the city. Beside breaking into homes and stealing these bands set up road blocks to rob passers by even of their clothes”. LM (Fides Service 16/7/2003 EM lines 27Words: 323)