ASIA/ SRI LANKA - “The Holy Father is in the hands of God in whom we have total trust and so we go about our pastoral duties” President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Sri Lanka tells Fides

Friday, 25 February 2005

Kandy (Fides Service) -Commenting the critical health condition of Pope John Paul II, Bishop Vianney Fernando of Kandy who is also President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Sri Lanka told Fides: “We thank the Lord for giving us the figure of Pope John Paul II and for being close to him at this time of difficulty. We pray God will assist him and leave him with us for some time yet. The whole Church in Sri Lanka is praying for the Holy Father. Our faith has two main characteristics, love for the Blessed Virgin Mary and loyalty to the Holy Father. Our communities all over the island always pray for the Pope every day, every Sunday and now even more so. We know the Holy Father is in the hands of God in whom we have total trust and with this comforting knowledge we carry on with our pastoral work as the Pope teaches us through his example of a life lived entirely at the service of the Church and our neighbour”.
(PA) (Agenzia Fides 25/2/2005 righe 18 parole 179)
