AMERICA/CHILE - September: Bible Month in Chile

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Santiago (Agenzia Fides) – The Chilean Bishops' Conference has opened a section on its website to spread the word on "Bible Month" in Chile, which is also celebrated in other Latin American nations in September. The goal is to promote activities to help people become more familiar with the Word of God.
According to information gathered by Fides, the Bishops' Conference has suggested some practical proposals for everyone such as the daily reading of biblical texts from the liturgy, which is a great help in deepening in the Word of God. In this way, everyone can join the Church throughout the world in praying and reflecting on the same texts.
The bishops ask: "Have you ever read an entire Gospel from start to finish? It is very interesting to discover the story of Jesus' life written by each evangelist. Many details and relationships between the texts that each evangelist uses are discovered when one reads the entire Gospel the whole way through.”
After these initial motivations, the website also offers information regarding the Bible in Chile (Commission for Biblical Animation, messages from the bishops on the identity and mission of biblical animation), the Bible in Latin America (CEBIPAL and its work), the contributions of ABP (National Commission for the Biblical Pastoral Ministry) to the continental mission, resources and links on the Bible, an explanation on all that is implied in "September, Month of the Bible," a statement with links and special articles about the Bible, the Lectio Divina, and a collection of biblical reflections. (CE) (Agenzia Fides 14/09/2010)
