AFRICA/CONGO DR - Congolese Bishops declare a Jubilee Year for healing the evils of the country and “with God and in justice, building a united and prosperous Congo”

Monday, 13 July 2009

Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - “A year of grace for our country, a year of renewal and joy, a year of reconciliation with God, to end the practices of corruption and banality that are destroying the nation and with God and in justice, build a united and prosperous Congo.” This is what the Bishops of the Democratic Republic of Congo said in proclaiming the pastoral year 2009-2010 a Jubilee Year for the Church in Congo. The Jubilee Year has been placed under the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Congo and the Mother of Perpetual Help, and Blesseds Isidoro Bakanja e Marie-Clémentine Anuarite.
The announcement is contained in the Message from the Bishops' Conference issued for the 49th anniversary of the nation's independence. The Message, entitled “La justice grandit une nation,” sent to Agenzia Fides, offers an assessment of the history of independent Congo. The Bishops recall that the Church celebrated the independence of the country, hoping that “with the faithful and generous collaboration of all, our country can become prosperous and content.”
“What is the situation of our country, 49 years later?” the Bishops ask. The response presents positive and negative aspects. The first are: the awareness of belonging to the same nation, the social unity “that has helped in resisting the ambitions for balkanization,” the creation of democratic institutions, the appearance of a native elite of indisputable reputation...However, at the same time, the Bishops observe that “the country has taken various steps backwards. Over the years, many anti-values have weakened the ethical fabric of our society. Continuous wars have provoked thousands of deaths. The social infrastructure is decaying at a worrisome rate. The people are being reduced to conditions of vagabonds and are forced to live as expedients.”
“Everyone, from the vertex to the base, laments the living conditions that become more difficult each day for the majority of the people. In its lamentations, the people point the finger especially to corruption, which has become the general panorama of political life and action in Congo.” No institution is immune from this plague, the Bishops decried. “From primary schools to universities, from courts to tribunes, as well as in executive offices...the mafioso networks continue to work without difficulties. A sub-culture marked by corruption is at the point of installing itself in the country's government. Like a cancer, the corruption leads to the malfunctioning of the judicial system. Everyone laments and decries this plague, however a sincere desire to fight it and eradicate it is needed.”
Corruption also has harmful consequences on the national economy, as it causes a breakdown in basic infrastructures, discontent among workers, disrespect for rules, impoverishment, and the weakening of the State.”
In order to confront the evils of the country (including wars promoted by foreign powers), the Bishops mention their commitment to the formation of the people. “The Church accepts the challenge of education, whether it be spiritual and moral or civil, in order to form a new Congolese man capable of resisting the dictatorship of easy gain and possession. She commits herself to continuing her program of civil education, centered on the participation of citizens in the local government and the fight against corruption.”
The proclamation of the Jubilee Year hopes to be a new boost in the work of Christian and human formation of the Church in Congo. (LM) (Agenzia Fides 13/7/2009)
