ASIA/PHILIPPINES - The shadow of Jemaah Islamiyah over the bomb blast in Cotabato

Monday, 6 July 2009

Cotabato (Agenzia Fides) – The hand of Islamic fundamentalists of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) could be behind the bomb blast yesterday, 5 July, which hit Immaculate Conception Cathedral in the city of Cotabato, on the island of Mindanao, in the southern Philippines, killing five persons and leaving about thirty injured.
According to local army sources it is highly probable that the organisers were JI militants. It is known for certain that fundamentalist groups such as Dulmatin, Umar Patek, and Zulkifli bin Hir (experts in bombs for terrorism attacks) were in the area and that their goal is to destabilise this already tormented part of the southern Philippines. Police arrested and are holding a suspect for questioning.
The Islamic separatist group Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), which has confronted Manila for years, with negotiations and warfare, has denied any involvement in the incident.
The local Catholic Church has harshly criticised the horrendous attack and urged the faithful to pray for the victims and for peace in the Southern Philippines.
The bomb exploded during Sunday Archbishop Orlando Quevedo was concluding his homily.
“Once again innocent civilians are victims of a massacre. Although perhaps the faithful were not the actual target of the attack, to place a bomb close to a place where people worship God is a vile deed which deserves the condemnation of all men and women of goodwill”, the Archbishop said and appealed to the faithful: “Let us pray for the innocent victims, for those killed and for those who are struggling between life and death in hospitals and for the grieving families. Let us pray the Lord will touch the hearts of the attackers and convert them from violence to peace ”. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 6/7/2009 righe 27 parole 276)
