EUROPE/MOLDAVIA - MISSION AND EMIGRATION - “The suitcase tied with string”: “They made me dream, they lied to me. Clients kept on coming and going. I want to tell girls: don't go abroad. Fairy tales! Realty is terrible”

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Chisinau (Agenzia Fides) - Testimony from a Moldavian girl, victim of human trafficking. Deceived by many promises and forced to prostitute herself in various countries of Europe, she represents many, many young girls, seduced, bought, exploited. She managed to return home only because she was rescued by police. Armed with her experience she warns other girls who might easily find themselves in the same situation. Here is what she says: “I am Moldavian and I live in Moldavia. I work in a shipyard. I earn 1600 Lei, about 100 euro. a month. It may seem pitiful but it is the truth. We are all underpaid. For the room in which I live I pay 700 Lei, about 45 euro a month. So, when I have done my hours in one place, I go to work in another yard. When I was younger I dreamed of going away to work in another place, of buying myself an apartment. They made me dream, they lied to me. I managed to come back without being killed. There were three of us girls, aged 16, 17. They made us cross borders illegally from one country to another. Once we had passed the frontier I understood. I do not know if they sold me more than once. I will not tell you everything I went through, or where I was, perhaps in Italy, perhaps in Albania… They said I had to pay food and lodging. Clients came and went continually. I suffered a lot. I survived because we were rescued by the police. I want to tell all girls: now you are still young and pretty, you must have respect for yourselves. Don't go abroad. What they say are fairy tales! Reality is terrible.” (Luca De Mata) (television programme trailer “La valigia con lo spago”: a series of 4 programmes: an investigation into migratory flows and new slavery in the world: Rai Uno beginning 29 June, 2nd evening feature). (Agenzia Fides 25/6/2009; righe 14, parole 223)
