ASIA/CHINA - In preparation for the inauguration of the Year of the Priest: spiritual retreat for priests in the Province of Shan Dong; a section on the Faith website dedicated to stories and testimonies

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Ji Nan (Agenzia Fides) – Preparations for the Year of the Priest for the Catholic Church on the Chinese mainland have been intensifying with the approaching date of its inauguration (June 19), in communion with the Holy Father Benedict XVI who proclaimed it and with the Universal Church. In preparation for the Year of the Priest, at the beginning of this month of June dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, some 50 priests from the 9 dioceses of the Province of Shan Dong participated in a 5-day retreat led by Fr. Robert Daviaud, Superior General of the Prado Institute. The retreat took place from June 1-5 at the Holy Spirit Seminary in the Diocese of Ji Nan. The participants shared their reflections and experiences of the Love of God towards His priests, and their relationship with the Lord, as well as how to better serve their community of faithful as worthy pastors of the Lord.
The Chinese Catholic press is also preparing for the inauguration of the Year of the Priest with a special section on the Faith website, the most popular Catholic site on the mainland. It has published a series of articles on the life and spirituality of Saint John Vianney, the Cure of Ars, and will continue offering stories and testimonies of humble parish priests. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 16/06/2009)
