ASIA/INDIA - “In asking an Indian Prelate to compose the meditations for the Way of the Cross on Good Friday, the Pope expresses his closeness to the persecuted Christians in India,” says Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil

Monday, 6 April 2009

Guwahati (Agenzia Fides) – Delegating the meditations for the Way of the Cross celebrated by the Pope on Good Friday to an Indian Archbishop, has great symbolic value as “an expression of the Holy Father's closeness to the persecuted Christians in India who are victims of attacks simply because of their faith in Christ. They continue to suffer amidst tensions and fear.” This is what Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil of Guwahati (Northeast India) said, in commenting on the fact that he has been asked by the Holy See to compose the meditations for the Stations of the Cross to be celebrated this Good Friday at the Coliseum in Rome, led by Pope Benedict XVI.
“I have spent about two months in personal reflection in carrying out this beautiful task, as I carried out intense evangelization and formation activities in the diocesan territory and beyond,” the Archbishop said. “It has not been easy. Many times I was in isolated towns, without public facilities or electrical current. Sometimes I took wrote down my notes on sheets of paper, during the night. I tried to emerge myself in the person of Jesus and, while I was on my pastoral trips, I was able to perceive first-hand the agony of mankind today, seeing so many people suffer from illnesses, hunger, and misery.”
In describing his work, Archbishop Menamparampil explained that “in these hard times, I have tried to let myself be led by hope. In spite of the tragic situations around us, as Christians we are called to share in the hope of the weak and those who suffer. This is our mission.”
The Prelate continued: “I have also tried to perceive the problem of evil, which is part of the spiritual battle of every Christian, myself included. I tried to respond to the question: Why do innocent people suffer? And I have lifted my gaze to the Cross, to Christ Innocent, who suffered for us.”
Entering into the Way of the Cross lived on a local-national level, the Archbishop has made an effort to integrate both the Indian culture and Christian tradition, using – for example – the concept of the ahimsa, which goes much deeper than “non-violence” and that fully expresses the way in which Christ accepted and suffered His Passion with serenity and strength of spirit. There are other aspects of Indian cultural in the meditations, linked to contemplation, silence, spiritual depth, spirit of self-denial and sacrifice. One of the most important values is harmony, which expresses the “coexistence amidst differences,” recalling the presence of the Christian minorities in India and in many other countries in the world. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 6/4/2009)
