VATICAN - The Holy Father tells the Neocatechumenal Way in the Diocese of Rome: “Your apostolic activities, already highly praiseworthy in themselves, will be even more effective in the degree to which you constantly strive to cultivate that desire for unity which Jesus communicated to the Twelve at the Last Supper.”

Monday, 12 January 2009

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “How can we not bless the Lord for the spiritual fruits which, through the methodology of evangelization that you apply, have been harvested in these years? The Pope, Bishop of Rome, thanks you for the generous service you make in the evangelization of this City and for the dedication with which you spread the Christian message in all its areas.” With these words, the Holy Father Benedict XVI addressed members of the NeoCatechumenal Way of the Diocese of Rome, gathered in the Vatican Basilica on the afternoon of January 10, for the 40th anniversary of their foundation in Rome.
“Your presence bears witness to the prodigies wrought by the Lord over the last four decades. It is also a sign of the commitment with which you intend to continue down the path you have begun, a path of faithful adherence to Christ and of courageous witness to His Gospel, not only here in Rome, but wherever Providence takes you; a path of humble acceptance of the guidance of pastors and of communion with all other components of the People of God. You wish to do this, well aware that helping the men and women of our time to meet Jesus Christ, Redeemer of man, is a mission for the Church and for all the baptised. The Neo-Catechumenal Way is part of this ecclesial mission, as one of the numerous 'ways' brought into being by the Holy Spirit at Vatican Council II for the new evangelization.”
The Holy Father also mentioned the recent approval of the Statutes of “The Way,” by the Pontifical Council for the Laity, and continued saying: “Your apostolic activities, already highly praiseworthy in themselves, will be even more effective in the degree to which you constantly strive to cultivate that desire for unity which Jesus communicated to the Twelve at the Last Supper...The unity of the disciples of the Lord is part of the essence of the Church, and an indispensable condition if her evangelizing activity is to prove fruitful and credible. I know with what great zeal the communities of the Neocatechumenal Way are working in 103 of Rome's parishes. While I encourage you in this commitment, I exhort you to intensify your adhesion to all the guidelines given by the Cardinal Vicar, my direct collaborator in the pastoral government of the diocese. The organic integration of the Way in the diocesan pastoral ministry and its unity with the other ecclesial movements will be of great benefit to the entire Christian people and will make the diocesan effort to renew the proclamation of the Gorpel in our city more fruitful.”
The Pope then mentioned the need for a “vast missionary action involving the various aspects of the Church which, each conserving the originality of its own charism, must work harmoniously,” and addressing the members of the Neocatechumenal Way he said: “And you, placing yourselves - as your Statues say - with complete willingness at the service of bishops, can become an example for many local Churches which rightly look to Rome as a model to which to refer.”
Many priests and consecrated persons have arisen from the communities of the Way. Many priests work in the parishes and in other areas of the diocesan apostolate, while many travel as missionaries to various different countries. Thanking the Rector and his collaborators at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary Seminary in Rome, the Pope encouraged them to continue on in this mission, “adopting the formative guidelines proposed by both the Holy See and the Diocese. The objective of all the formators should be that of preparing priests who are well integrated in the diocesan clergy and in both the parochial and diocesan pastoral ministry.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 12/1/2009)
