ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - The local Church comes to the aid of women immigrants, victims of abuse and prostitution: Taejon diocese opens Home for Women in Need

Monday, 9 February 2004

Seoul (Fides Service) – Many women immigrants in South Korea and other Asian countries are victims of abuse in the family or are caught in the activity of prostitution gangs. To come to the aid of these women in Taejon diocese, the diocesan Moses Centre for Pastoral Care of Migrants recently opened a Home for immigrant women in need.
Many women from the Philippines, Bangladesh, China, who marry Korean men particularly in rural areas, find it difficult to communicate with the family, settle into a different cultural context. They are often subject to violence in the home and many are forced into prostitution.
After several months of monitoring the situation locally, the Moses Centre for Pastoral Care of Migrants realised that this is a priority challenge for Taejon diocese where the territory is mainly rural and decided to open a home for women in need..
“For some years we have had the idea of opening a home for women in difficulty” the Directress of the Home Ms Anna Bae Hyeon-mi told Fides. “We believe it will help to console and educate these women and help them find new trust society and confidence in themselves and their dignity and humanity and to take their place at work and in society ”.
Besides offering accommodation to women victims of abuse, the Home provides instruction on the local culture and society, language courses in Korean and free legal counselling.
At the official inauguration of the Home in early February Father Joseph Kang Seung-soo, Chaplain for foreign workers in Taejon diocese said: “This home is the fruit of commitment, dedication and love of many people let us hope it will bear much fruit” .
(PA) (Fides Service 9/2/2004 lines 26 words 304)
