EUROPE/ITALY - 2007 Annual Report from “Medici con l'Africa CUAMM,” after over 50 years’ experience in sub-Saharan Africa, in the continent’s poorest areas

Monday, 21 July 2008

Padua (Agenzia Fides) – 452,367 clinical visits; 93,949 hospitalizations; 21,324 births; 210,302 vaccinations: these are some of the results of 2007, in the 16 hospitals of sub-Saharan Africa run by the NGO from Padua (Italy), “Medici con l'Africa CUAMM” (Doctors with Africa CUAMM). “What the statistics convey is the real and efficient commitment of our NGO in responding to the needs of Africa,” said Fr. Dante Carraro, Director of “Medici con l'Africa CUAMM,” at the presentation of their 2007 Annual Report. “In an increasingly globalized international spectrum, in which everything moves more quickly, the conditions of the African population are becoming even more difficult, as does the growing rift between the North and South. The food crisis, the rising cost of fuel...everything makes life harder on this continent. “Medici con l'Africa CUAMM,” in harmony with the Health Objectives for the Millenium, in 2007 continued doing its part. It sent 92 workers to Africa, of whom 12 were from Veneto and 4 were from Padua. It financed 56 main projects, invested over 10 million Euros, and carried out several projects for improving the quality and access of its hospitals.”
Doctor Fabio Manenti, head of the Project Sector, mentioned that “in 2007 the hospitals where we work were better equipped, were highly accessible and acquired a greater number of qualified personnel.” Doctor Roberto Gnesotto, expert in health certifications, confirmed the statistics of 2007. “ ‘Medici con l'Africa CUAMM’ works in the poorest continent in the world, in the poorest countries of that continent, and in the poorest areas of those countries. They are areas in which one out of every 100 women dies from childbirth and one out of five people is infected with AIDS. The reported facts correspond to a necessary matter: what cannot be measured cannot be managed. Only by taking down the measure of what is done, can we understand the impact on health and the conditions in those countries can be truly improved.”
Father Carraro concluded, saying: “The commitment of “Medici con l'Africa CUAMM” still continues, after 50 years. The situation is not always an easy one, such is the case in South Sudan, where I was recently working. And yet, the results are evident. In Yirol, we recently opened a hospital and since May, there have been 1,500 clinical visits, 280 hospitalizations, 50 births (3 of which were by cesarean method), and 88 major operations. And the numbers are rising. We are happy that it was able to come through, in spite of the civil war that has destroyed all the public services and inwardly destroyed people’s right to request and receive aid and assistance. In order to continue our work, obviously, we are in need of everyone’s help and support.” (SL) (Agenzia Fides 21/7/2008)
