ASIA/CHINA - Thirty priests celebrating their 10th anniversary of priesthood take part in the “Annual Formation Course,” which includes a visit to the Diocese of Macao

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Shi Jia Zhuang (Agenzia Fides) – Improve the quality of priests, promote pastoral work, opening oneself to a perspective of pastoral care and evangelization at the service of the Church and society: these were the objective of the “Annual Formation Course for Priests” organized by the Faith Institute for Cultural Studies together with Jinde Charities. This year, thirty priests that are celebrating their 10th anniversary of priesthood participated in the Course, in spite of all their commitments at the service of the earthquake victims and the pastoral organization taking place for the upcoming Olympic Games. The Course began on June 19, in Shi Jia Zhuang, capital of the province of He Bei, a stronghold for Chinese Catholicism. According to the schedule, after studying several topics, under the guidance of the priests and professors of the Social Academy of Beijing, from June 19-24, the group will leave June 25 to go to the Diocese of Macao, to visit the brother priests of that diocese until July 9.
The government officials have also expressed their great appreciation for the commitment of the Catholic Church in serving in the earthquake area, giving thanks for the Pope’s donation. They have likewise expressed their great satisfaction with the Catholic Church’s contribution to the success of the Olympic Games.
The Chinese government’s media sources have made frequent mention of the participation and moral and spiritual support being offered by the Chinese religious in the Olympics, which will open on August 8, in Beijing. On the official Chinese site, XinHua, a fairly long article was dedicated to the religious preparations being made for the Olympics, especially those being carried out by Catholics, highlighting the Masses to be held in the parishes of Beijing in Latin, English, French, German, Italian, and Korean, even mentioning the famous parish of the Immaculate Conception, which was founded by the great Jesuit missionary, Fr. Matteo Ricci. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides 24/6/2008)
