ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - The woman, protagonist in the Church’s pastoral activity

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - Women should take an ever more central role in the pastoral activity of the Church, whose task is to promote the value of the “feminine genius” and the human resources that exist in society. This was what was stated by the Committee for the Laity of the Korean Bishops’ Conference, who recently held a seminar on “How to channel the capacity of women in the Church community.” The Committee has a special internal group dedicated to the presence of women in the pastoral activity and noted that although the theme has been discussed in the part, it should not be forgotten, given that there is often a exclusion of women from the decision-making process in various ecclesiastical communities.
The seminary also noted that many highly qualified women would be interested in serving Our Mother Church, however oftentimes, there is hardly any possibility of doing so. Many women have joined the Catholic Women’s Organization of Korea, that works to promote the presence and formation of women in various sectors of pastoral life: catechesis, liturgy, charitable work, etc. The movement recently spoke out on its commitments to the defense of life and the need for all women to defend the value of life and human dignity.
The group has also established a network of Catholic women in the Korean diocese, placing its main focus on the need to spread and promote a “culture of life” in Korean society, especially in the light of resent steps being taken in the bioethics field.
The group works to promote respect for the “feminine genius,” that unique character of the woman in the Korean Church. The source of inspiration and guide for the association is “Mulieris dignitatem,” the Apostolic Letter published in 1988 by Pope John Paul II, with a special emphasis on the role of the woman in the Church. The objective is not only to accept and appreciate the woman, but also to allow their charism and their unique contribution to be increasingly manifest in life and in society at large. There is a need to increase the possibilities, they say, for a greater participation of women in the life and mission of the Church in Korea. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 30/4/2008, righe 27, parole 368)
