Bujumbura (Fides Service)- “I think that after years of disappointment and false starts this time Burundi has taken the path for peace” a priest in Bururi in Burundi told Fides after the government signed a peace agreement with the FDD Forces for Defence of Democracy. “It is true that violence has not ceased because the other rebel group, Forces for National Liberation FLN has not yet disarmed, but there is definitely an atmosphere of greater confidence for peace and the future of the country”.
“There is increasing pressure on the FLN to sit at the negotiating table. Two of our Bishops are acting as mediators between the government and the FNL” the priest told Fides. “I am optimistic because the entire country wants peace and the guerrillas are ever more isolated”.
On 23 November, on the basis of the agreement signed on 16 November in Dar es Salaam capital of Tanzania (see Fides 18 November 2003), President Domitien Ndayizeye appointed four new ministers from the FDD: Pierre Nkurunziza, leader of FDD, Minister of State, Simon Nyandwi (internal Minister), Onesime Nduwimana (Communications Minister), Salvator Ntahomenyereye (Minister of public works). President Ndayizeye has promised to consult the FDD leader on questions of security. (L.M.) (Fides Service 24/11/2003, lines 25, words 268)