EUROPE/SPAIN - Sunday 27 January “pro-life, pro-family, pro- freedom” demonstration will show society what is good for everyone with regard to life, the family, education and teaching

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Barcelona (Agenzia Fides) - On Sunday 27 some 5,000 people are expected to take part in a rally with the motto “Pro-life, pro-family, pro- freedom. United we can win!” organised at Barcelona's Congress Palace by “Pact for Life and Dignity” platform of about a hundred Christian associations..
The rally will start with 10.30 Mass presided by Cardinal Lluís Matínez Sistach Archbishop of Barcelona. To follow there will be interventions by Mercedes Aroz socialist MP; Antoni Arasanz president of the Federation of the Associations of Parents of Free Schools (Fapel); Josep Maria Alsina rector of Abat Oliba University (UAO); Daniel Arasa president of Entitats Catalani Group (GEC), and representatives of pro-life associations.
The organisers say the purpose of the initiative is to “reaffirm what we believe and promote the values we defend, showing society what is good for all with regard to life, the family, education, teaching, and irreplaceable institutions (marriage, parenthood and offspring). Ours is also a fight for freedom, including religious freedom”. The initiative also intends “to oppose those who violate the right to life with abortion; to obtain effective application of the law; to defend the rights of parents and schools with regard to the compulsory subject ‘education to citizenship' and decrees which aim to condition freedom of thought in schools; to stop any new law from limiting the right to religious freedom of belief, practice and association”. (RG) (Agenzia Fides 23/1/2008; righe 19, parole 253)
