VATICAN - The spiritual light of the star which guided the Three Wise Men “can guide every person to Jesus "the Pope says at the Angelus on the feast of the Epiphany and he thanks the children of Missionary Childhood who “ care for the needs of other children spurred on by the love brought on earth by the Son of God who became a child ”

Monday, 7 January 2008

Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - “After stopping ‘above the place where the child lay’, the star which guided the Three Wise Men ceased its function, but its spiritual light is always present in the word of the Gospel which still today can lead every person to Jesus.” The Pope said this in his reflection before the Angelus prayer from his window overlooking St Peter's Square on the feast of the Epiphany January 6. “The Church - the Holy Father said - carries on for humanity the mission of the star. And something similar can be said of every Christians, called to brighten with word and witness the steps of his brothers and sisters. How important it is for us to be faithful to our calling! Every true Christian is always in movement on his personal journey of faith and at the same time, with the little light we carry within is we can and must help those nearest to us who perhaps cannot find the path to Christ.”
Benedict XVI continued “since its first appearance the light of Christ has drawn all men and women ‘whom God loves’ (Lk 2,14), of every tongue, nation and culture. The power of the Holy Spirit moves hearts and minds to seek truth, beauty, justice and peace”. Citing John Paul II's encyclical “Fides et ratio” Pope Benedict XVI said " men and women are on a journey of discovery which is humanly unstoppable—a search for the truth and a search for a person to whom they might entrust themselves" (n. 33) and “the Three Wise Men found both these realities in the Child at Bethlehem” he added.
At the end of his reflection the Holy Father said: “Today is Missionary Childhood Day. For over 160 years thanks to the initiative of Bishop Charles de Forbin Janson in France, the childhood of Jesus has become an icon for Catholic children to help the Church in her task of evangelisation with their prayers, sacrifices and acts of solidarity. Thousands of children help to meet the needs of other children spurred on by the love brought on earth by the Son of God who became a child. I thank these children and I pray they will continue to be missionaries of the Gospel. I also thank their leaders who accompany them on the path of generosity, brotherhood and joyous faith which generates hope.” (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 7/1/2008; righe 28, parole 433).
